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Verisk Xactimate Integration

FAQs related to the Verisk and Hover Integration

Updated over 3 months ago

Automatically pull Hover property measurements, photos, and digital sketches into Xactimate.

Ready to integrate? Use this form to get started and have the following available:

  • Verisk Account Number (or Carrier ID)

  • Xactnet Address

  • Default user in your Hover account (email address)

Submitting this form will automatically notify both the Hover and the Verisk Support teams who will complete the setup and configuration for you within 3-5 business days. When complete, you will be notified from either Hover Support or your Hover Account Management team.

There are two ways that you can utilize the Hover - Xactimate integration to seamlessly pass property data, sketches, and damage photos from Hover into Xactimate. Both workflows are available for Web, Desk, and Mobile.

  1. Start in Hover - Take the photos on site then import the data into Xactimate.

  2. Start in Xactimate - Initiate a new Hover project from within Xactimate, capture the photos, and then import the data into Xactimate.

    1. This workflow can be used to invite a professional partner or policyholder to complete the capture for you.

Using our Guided Estimates integration?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does Hover send to Xactimate?

  • 2D/3D sketch for estimating

  • Measurement PDF

  • Roof measurements

  • Elevation measurements

  • Interior measurements

  • Property and damage photos taken at the loss location

How do I find the measurement PDF in Xactimate?

The Hover measurement PDF will automatically import along with the sketch and photos.

  • Go to the "Reports" tab

  • Click the "Documents" tab

  • Click "Attached Docs" to view

Can this be used with Independent Adjusters (IAs)?

Yes, but there are a couple prerequisites:

  • The carrier needs to share their "data set" in Verisk with the IA

  • The individual IA needs to be entered on the request in Verisk before requesting HOVER data

How much will this cost? Are there any fees?

There are no additional fees for using this integration if you are on a membership plan. However, if you are not on a Hover membership plan, you will not be able to utilize the integration.

Can I select a Hover deliverable in Xactimate or XactAnalysis?

Yes. The Hover deliverables (Roof, Roof & Walls, Interior Walls) shown in the provider dropdown menu are controlled by your configuration in Xactimate.

How do multiple structures work with this integration?

For each additional structure, you will go through the "Request Data" flow separately. Structures can then be stitched together in Xactimate.

Can I use the framing wizard with Hover sketches?

Yes, the Hover job will come over as a "wireframe sketch" and a can be used as is with XactScope.

Please note that the wireframe sketch only allows for stick framing in the framing wizard. You do, however, have the ability to convert the wireframe sketch to a legacy Xactimate roof sketch, if needed, to unlock additional framing options.

Do macros work with the Hover sketches?

Yes, macros pull in measurements from the Ridge, Perimeter, Valley and SF/SQ.

Do defaults get over-ridden?

No. Any defaults set for a particular profile are adhered to with this integration. The Hover sketch will not override any of these settings as it comes in.

Still have questions? Reach out to our support team.

  • Call us (+1.844.754.6837). We're real people and ready to help!

  • Email us ([email protected]). We'll usually reply in about 30 min.

  • Chat with us. We generally answer in less than 3 mins. Click on the blue chat icon at the bottom right of your screen.

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