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Proposal Optimization

Learn about proposal optimization

Updated over a week ago

Thanks to all the wonderful feedback we've received from customers, we're excited to release several updates related to proposal management.

Here's a list of the key updates:

1. Add "Include Total Price" toggle

2. Show "Failed" reason on Proposals when an email bounces

3. Pre-formatted notes

4. Update the text for the email signature sent (replaced "successful" with "sent")

5. Remove "This quote is an offer to buy" verbiage

6. Make the HOVER logo smaller

If you'd like to learn more about each item, this next section will provide step-by-steps instructions and screenshots.

1. Add "Include Total Price" toggle

We now give Org Admins the ability to show/hide a toggle for Include Total Price (and define if it should be on or off by default), which will allow Sales Reps to create proposals with no pricing at all.

A) Org Admin updates settings:

B) Sales Rep selects which information to include in the proposal:

C) Homeowner receives a tailored proposal

2. Show "Failed" reason on Proposals when an email bounces

If a Sales Rep sends a proposal to a homeowner for a signature and the email bounces, we will now show the failed reason in the proposal modal.

3. Pre-formatted notes

On the Proposal section in Manage workflows, an Org Admin can now input a pre-formatted note that their sales rep can use to easily add dynamic information per estimate. Here's an example:

4. Update the text for the email signature sent (replaced "successful" with "sent")

We used to show that the email was successful. We now show that the email was sent.

5. Remove "This quote is an offer to buy" verbiage

Org Admins now completely manage their proposals and contracts, so we removed some unnecessary language.

6. Make the HOVER logo smaller

You're the stars of the show here, not us.

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