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Create and manage integrations

Information for developers on how to build and manage Hover integrations.

Updated over 4 months ago

Developers can create and manage their Integrations using the Hover web app in the Developer section of Settings.

Note: This section is only visible to Team Admins.

Create a new integration

  1. After successfully logging into your Hover account, click your initials in the top right-hand corner of the page

  2. Select Settings from the dropdown menu

  3. Click Developer on the left hand list.

  4. Click Create New Integration

  5. Complete the following fields: Integration Name, Redirect URI, Description, and Logo.

  6. Click Save Integration.

Retrieving an OAuth client ID & secret

  1. In the Developer section of your settings menu, click Edit next to an existing integration

  2. Copy & paste the Client ID & Secret.

From here you can also edit the application details, reset the OAuth Secret, and delete the integration.

Getting Started with the Hover API

  1. Refer to our Developer Documentation to get started using our API.

  2. We have a Postman Demo available to assist in testing our endpoints and familiarizing yourself with how our API works.

Submit an integration to the Public Marketplace

If you wish for your integration to be available to all Hover customers, you can submit it for publication on the Public Marketplace.

  1. After successfully logging into your Hover account, click your initials in the top right-hand corner of the page

  2. Select Settings from the dropdown menu

  3. Click Developer on the left hand list

  4. Change the Visibility from “My Team Only” to “Public Marketplace” for the application you wish to submit for approval.

  5. The status will change to "Pending Approval".

  6. Complete our partnership interest form with your company and contact information, and your desire to have your integration published on the Public Marketplace.

  7. The Hover Partners team will then review your request. Note that we may need to review the integration on our end and may ask to see a demo or do some testing with a demo account.

Remove a Public Marketplace integration

If you no longer wish for your application to be available on the Public Marketplace, or you no longer want your pending request to be considered, you can retract the integration.

  1. While on the Developer tab, change the Visibility from “Public Marketplace” to “My Team Only”.

  2. A dialogue box will appear informing you that you are changing visibility and how many teams will lose access. Click Change Visibility.

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