Material list quantities are automatically generated based on the property measurements Hover provides. There may be instances where your project scope involves the removal of materials like j-channel, undersill trim, or siding starter strip.
To prevent ordering too much material in those cases, you need to manually update the coverage of a line item quantity.
This article explains how to calculate the new coverage using your Hover measurement PDF, and how to make the manual adjustment to your Material List.
Recalculating material coverage:
Click the arrows below to expand or collapse additional information.
Let's assume that as part of your project scope, you don't want to include any j-channel around a property's openings.
Step 2: Determine how many (ft) of material are included
Step 2: Determine how many (ft) of material are included
From the second page of the measurement PDF, determine how many (ft) of j-channel are included around the openings.
Step 3: Determine how many (pcs) of material are included
Step 3: Determine how many (pcs) of material are included
Back in the material list, click the calculator icon to see the coverage information
For this example, 1 (pc) of material covers 12 (LF)
Divide the total footage (341) by the LF coverage (12)
28 (pcs) of j-channel are included around the openings
Step 4: Update the line item
Step 4: Update the line item
Subtract 28(pcs) of J-channel included around openings from the overall total of 87(pcs)
The new number of required pcs is 59
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