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Updating user access from the Team page
Updating user access from the Team page

Hover admins can edit their team's settings - adding, removing, reassigning users, etc.

Updated over 9 months ago

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What is the Team page?

As a Hover admin, you have access to a Team page that lists the individual team members within your organization as well as any applicable sub-organizations. From there, you can also edit, invite, remove, and reassign members.

Click Team in the top-left corner of your Hover account homepage:

Note: Only Hover admins can access the Team page.

Information for each team member's account will be listed as follows:

  • Their email address

  • Their organization name (e.g. company name)

  • Their account role (i.e. Admin, Job Manager, or Member)

  • Their activity (when they last logged into Hover)

What's the difference between an Admin, Job manager, and Member?

How do I quickly search for a user?

Easily filter by organization, role, permission, or account status:

Add or remove a member

To add a new member:

  • Click Invite member

  • Enter the email address(es)

  • Click Send invites

Note: If the new member needs to be added to a sub-org instead of your main organization, click the Edit button and choose the appropriate sub-org from the side menu that will appear.

Resend invitations as needed:

To remove a member:

Click the trash can icon

Note: All their previous projects will remain in the organization's account

Edit or reassign a team member

Click the pencil icon to edit the individual team members account settings, such as:

  • Their first or last name

  • Which organization their account is assigned to

  • Their account role (i.e. Admin, Job Manager, or Member)

  • Whether their account requires project approval

What does it mean if an account requires project approval?

If the team member requires project approval, they can submit projects through the Hover app, but a Job Manager or Admin will need to approve it before the measurements and 3D model are delivered. This also means the organization will not be charged for the project until it has been approved.

If a team member is missing from your account, it's possible they were set up separately. Reach out and our support team will gladly assist with moving them to your team account.

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